Column mappings

In a nutshell, column mappings section defines the structure of the file that will be exported, and what data will be contained in the file


In column mappings you create a record for every column that your export file will contain. In this record you have to spefily following parameters.


This field defines the entity that value will be taken from. In a nutshell, entity is a classification of values.

Among long list of entities that are supported by our plugin, the main are:

  • Order (has fields about customer Info, payment info, taxes, discounts, etc.)

  • OrderItem (has info about item in the order)

  • Billing address/Shipping address

  • Product (has all information about product: name, SKU, etc.)

  • Vendor/Store/Warehouse

Column source

After selecting Entity, you need to select column source. This is the exact value that will be exported.

For example, in entity Order you can find column source Order #. If you select this column source, after export there will be a column containing order number.

Column destination

This is the name of the column in your exported file.

Display order

This value defines the order of columns in your export file.

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